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Fall Quarter Recap (2024)

This quarter, ASUCD launched groundbreaking projects that will greatly benefit UC Davis’ student population. Its units, commissions, committees and branches have all made strides that will foster a supportive environment full of student resources. 

Read more below to hear about them!


ASUCD Unit Projects 

President Ilupeju Green-lights $4.4 Million for Facility Renovations

In September, President Gaius Ilupeju approved expenditures totaling 4.4 million dollars for two capital projects to improve the facilities of the Coffee House (CoHo) and Unitrans. The initial funding for these projects was allocated through Senate Bill #1, a bill that the ASUCD President is required to introduce at the start of every academic year and that enacts the operational budget for the entire organization. Unlike previous iterations of the same bill, SB#1_FQ24 made various amendments and included the facility renovation projects.

Uniting Students From Around the World

International Student Representative (ISR) Muhammad Rafay Waqar is creating additional opportunities and resources to support more than 4,500 international students in the UC Davis community.